I ranted at God …

It was ugly. Telling God exactly what I thought of the way the world was run.

Asking him to remove certain rulers from power and raise up leaders who could lead their nations in right ways.

Moaning about the unfairness of society – how so many were very needy and how those with the power to change their situations did nothing, or made things worse.

Complaining about lies, corruption and misuse of public finds.

Like I said, it was ugly. Yet there is comfort in following the example of the psalmist in letting rip. In recognising that God is sovereign. In knowing that he sees what goes on and has the end scenario already planned. We groan while we wait for that day that will surely come.

Christians unite to sing the UK Blessing
Image Source: The UK Blessing/YouTube

Slowly, and almost imperceptibly changes happened. At first I don’t see their importance in the bigger picture. New treatments are developed for Covid-19, based on experience in treating other conditions. Protocols are developed for opening up lockdown safely and enabling a return to a semblance of order. A second lockdown does not seem to be so stringent and structures are in place to help those in need at a local level.

And then small victories start coming. A rescue package is agreed for Transport for London (TfL) that enables older children to continue to travel on public transport free of charge. There is a u-turn over the provision of free school meals over half term.

Even better the prime minister telephones the young footballer who has campaigned for hungry children to discuss the details of a multi million pound initiative to feed children during the winter.

We waited for several days to see who would win the American election. It was agonising. And there it was. Scenes of celebration in America. A political commentator shedding tears of joy on national television. Sigh of relief all round.

All of a sudden it was worth it. All those rants were not wasted. We may not have got to the finish line yet, but it feels like that Blessing we sang over the world at the beginning of lockdown has kept us through the storms of life.